The emails retrieved from the hacking supposedly revealed extensive data manipulation in studies on climate research.
It's not clear to me what such narratives are supposedly revealing about the human condition.
But "American Tragedy" assumes we still care, as it falls into the same cheap, celebrity-obsessed mentality it supposedly reveals.
Anecdotes that supposedly reveal a candidate's character are a staple of political reporting, but they should carry warning labels.
In popular psychology, the illusion has been incorrectly identified as a personality test that supposedly reveals which hemisphere of the brain is dominant in the observer.
Laying hands on sensitized photographic plates, fluid photographers produced mysterious-looking images of fuzzy fingerprints that supposedly revealed these forces in action.
He has been aggravated by "scoops" in the news media and on the Internet that supposedly reveal the top-secret plot.
After the baby is delivered, the membrane is peeled off, supposedly revealing a striation-free stomach.
Somewhere along the line, TV news stopped reporting on candidates' policies, and turned instead to trivia that supposedly reveal their personalities.
St Oswald supposedly revealed the healing properties of the well to a hermit who lived on the hills.