He was engrossed in the music, his eyes half shut, his body swaying lightly.
Their eyes closed and yet standing erect, they were swaying lightly on their toes, almost in the same spot.
Above the walls a fringe of branches swayed lightly in the summer breeze.
The squirrel swayed lightly from side to side, twitching his tail.
Remmy dozed, his head swaying lightly with the motion of the coach.
The dappled night shadows, the inky blue trees sway lightly in the breeze.
"I suggest," Anne murmured, swaying lightly toward him, "that we leave in just a minute."
Fifty yards on, he saw the Coral sign, swaying lightly under the chilly seabreeze.
He saw with a chill feeling of horror that she appeared to be still asleep, her body swaying lightly.
"I will never get there," she muttered, suddenly arrested, swaying lightly where she stood.