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The use of a passacaglia as a symphonic first movement is extremely rare.
The tempo is unusually fast for a symphonic "slow movement."
There were habitats that reshaped themselves continually, slow symphonic movements of pure architecture.
And so, in this sequence of everyday events, the next symphonic movement of the effort was under way.
Pacific 231 is the first in Honegger's series of three symphonic movements.
He was a pioneer of the symphonic movement in Cuba.
It sounded like a grand introduction to the unfolding of a big symphonic movement.
Die Temperamente, 4 symphonic movements for large orchestra, op.
There will even be an opportunity to hear the songs and symphonic movements he recorded on player-piano rolls.
The entire symphonic movement would have been whistled to a halt, denying soccer fans everywhere this indelible moment of the beautiful game.