Patanjal seemed unable to take his eyes from the tall, sad figure in front of him.
Despite himself, Sean took a step back from the dreadful figure before him.
Jerle reached for her without taking his eyes from the dark figure ahead, but she pulled away from him.
Zouga went slowly down on to the floor of the stone amphitheatre without taking his eyes from the figure.
None of them took their eyes from the fallen figure and the dark blood spreading out from beneath her body.
Not taking his eyes from the advancing figure, Zeemeister continued to retreat, holding the knife low before him, edge upward.
Morgan could take some gloomy satisfaction from the figure.
Jerome returned the greeting, never taking his eyes from the green-clad figure.
The contemporary Norwegian musician "Euronymous" took his stage name from the mythical figure.
He couldn't take his eyes from the figure by the bedside.