For the past six years, the teenagers and their moms have gathered monthly to discuss books, raising children and growing up.
The teenagers often gathered at a small cafe where they ate hamburgers, sipped soft drinks, and played the jukebox.
I live in a middle-class neighborhood where teenagers, all white, gather after 10 p.m. and play rap for hours.
Young children were playing in LePore Park across the street and teenagers had gathered on the corners.
The teenagers then gather their friends together and drive out to the clearing where they left Mike.
The town's teenagers gather all the fire extinguishers they can find.
The way I figure it, those teenagers gathered around the corpse directly after the shooting, like everybody else was doing.
Youngsters are sent to day care centers, and teenagers gather in malls or at one another's houses.
It is also where the town's teenagers, in groups as large as a hundred, gather to party.
It makes straight for the local dance hall where all the teenagers had gathered for a sock hop.