After collapsing on the floor the teenager spent weeks in a hospital attempting to recover.
But as the popularity of high-priced athletic footwear demonstrates, teenagers will spend money on things they really want.
However, on the downside, family bonds could be broken and "traditional" moral attitudes suffer as teenagers spend weeks away from their family.
Why isn't our "education president" leading a legislative initiative to increase the time that American teenagers spend in the classroom?
Parents load money onto the card and the teenagers cannot spend more than that, meaning that they can't get into any real trouble.
They are also the ones who provide most of the money that the teenagers spend.
People love to ski in Shymbulak, and many teenagers spend their weekends over there.
A recent survey revealed that teenager and young adults spend more time doing stuff on the Internet than watching TV.
The teenagers spent the next two months organizing a Hanukkah festival, which they held last Sunday, with all proceeds going to the soup kitchen.
Now that the line between the two worlds is more difficult to bridge, I wonder how teenagers spend their summer days off.