Schwartz began his sports management career in 1992 at International Management Group (IMG) managing the careers of tennis greats Pete Sampras, Marcelo Rios and Martina Hingis.
Although earlier tennis greats such as Bill Tilden, Ellsworth Vines, and Don Budge had been noted for their fine serves and net games, they had not played a serve-and-volley style game.
With this prominent sponsorship came a whole slew of advertisements that featured tennis greats like Billie Jean King and Rosemary Casals alongside the Virginia Slims logo.
Mapua's tennis greats include former Philippine and Southeast Asian number one netter Manuel Tolentino who represented the country in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.
Tsonga and Gaël Monfils developed a good friendship from a young age, when they enjoyed mimicking all the tennis greats of the past.
Pete Sampras's straight-sets victory over Andre Agassi for his sixth Wimbledon singles title elevated him into new territory on the all-time appreciation list of tennis greats.
ONCE again Westchester tennis fans will be able to see 16 of the all-time tennis greats, close up and live, competing for $200,000, right in their own backyard.
He is considered the finest Canadian tennis player of the early twentieth century and is amongst Canada's tennis greats.
Sure, there are ups (tennis greats) and downs (don't mention the Red Devils or national debt), but most Belgians are more than happy with their spot in the world, and wouldn't change it for quids.
Many tennis greats use the one-handed backhand.