In the global arena, where borders have fallen like Yanks in the tennis rankings, America still has Agassi.
Her 2011 career high tennis ranking is No. 1172 reached on 1 August.
A victory there, of course, would propel him to the top of the rankings on Madison Avenue, if not the tennis rankings.
"It's just like in the tennis rankings," Baird added.
McCormack pioneered a similar system for tennis rankings.
In 2005, as Djokovic moved up the tennis rankings, he ventured into the business world.
The women's tennis rankings are announced every other Monday, which in most instances, would have made today rather satisfying for Zina Garrison.
Her father was ranked as high as nineteenth in the Czechoslovakian tennis rankings.
As personal stats went, it was a claim to prestige against which there was no argument, like an earned run average or a tennis ranking.
In the eight years since Peter placed 11th in the international tennis rankings, he has sunk to 119th.