But now, as Mr. Fordice's second and final term nears an end, Mississippi Republicans are working to hold on to the power they gained in the last decade.
All of that comes as his term nears an end, making him more of a lame duck with each passing month.
As his first term neared an end, Smith received his party's nomination for a second term in September 1888.
When his two-year term as acting director was nearing its end, Marstein applied to get the position on a permanent basis.
As the 2006/07 term neared an end for contributors and the magazine, it became clear that The Magdalen required new writers and new direction.
By the time student leaders learn their roles, their terms of office are nearing completion.
As Lula's first term neared its end, scandals showed that even the PT could not avoid the taint of corruption.
And it recurred about every six weeks except during pregnancy-the hormones pregnancy triggered made an individual docile and somewhat dreamy, increasing more so as term neared.
When the three returned as the pregnant woman's term neared its end, her parents, who opposed giving up the child, alerted neighbors, who gathered angrily at the scene.
And when his second term neared an end last year, he pushed through a constitutional amendment allowing him to run for another five-year term.