It is estimated that there are over 7,000 life-size terracotta figures and horses buried here.
His miniature terracotta figures, his most famous works, date from 1864- 1870.
There are however a few large and careful terracotta figures of more significance.
Her religious paraphernalia included gold tablets inscribed with instructions for the afterlife and a terracotta figure of a Bacchic worshipper.
He was buried in the London church of St Andrew Undershaft, where the monument erected by his widow, a terracotta figure of him, still remains.
The main finding was a 6,000 year old terracotta figure of a 'Goddess on the Throne'
Other terracotta non-military figures were also found in other pits and they include officials, acrobats, strongmen and musicians.
Inside the inner wall were also found terracotta figures of courtiers and bureaucrats who served the Emperor.
The Egbado Yoruba have dances that include balancing "delicate terracotta figures" on the head while the arms and torso are moving.
Others continued an earlier tradition of molded terracotta figures used as cult images or votive objects.