The head of the Hospital and an extremely terrifying figure.
Instead her brain frantically changed the message and told her that the terrifying figure had cried "Boo!"
A door flew open in a tiny hut at the side of the yard, and a terrifying figure came out.
They wanted to live, and the grinning blackbeard who had made meat of the judge with a flick of the arm was a terrifying figure.
Now, though, the Harmonist was a terrifying figure, his changed body concealed by a breathingsuit but still nightmarish and grotesque.
Just this huge, terrifying figure in heavy armor whom everyone, including my mother, bowed low to.
These terrifying figures, she was told, were warriors.
Mark is interrogated by a small, hard, terrifying figure called Phan Tuy.
You must be able to identify this terrifying figure.
Still KukuLkan drew his coils ever tighter above me terrifying figure.