But the third-party movement is still small and has many skeptics.
The fact that the third-party movement has been steadily growing means that voters increasingly think in terms of having more than just an either-or choice.
And several political scientists said the quality of the nominee would determine whether the party would last or follow the shooting-star life cycle of every other third-party movement in this century.
Most third-party movements have originated in Greater New England.
Instead, Mr. Clinton tried to tap into the public dismay at partisanship and political gridlock that has given rise to the third-party movement.
And Mr. Nader continued to press his case for a third-party movement, describing the two major parties as equally beholden to big business interests.
It was no accident that in the South the third-party movement was strongest in those states where it sought not only Negro votes but active Negro support.
These alliances and the factionalism they engendered discouraged nonpartisan supporters and undermined the third-party movement by the end of the nineteenth century.
"If one or more of the parties don't turn back the tide toward polarization, they run the risk, frankly, of seeing the growth of a third-party movement," Davis warns.
By doing this, State Chairman Stephen Spinosa is effectively calling for the end of his third-party movement in order to boost Lonegan's chances.