He was raised in Yonkers, with third-party politics served up nightly at dinner.
But Mr. Giuliani's alliance with the Liberal Party during his three mayoral campaigns has rewritten the way third-party politics are played.
Last week, Mr. Ventura's role as the power broker in third-party politics was unmistakable.
Both are interested in third-party politics but say they are not interested in being the nominee.
This experience helped pave the way for the Newman group's later successes in less radical forms of third-party politics.
As an avid history buff, Mr. Buchanan had to concede third-party politics historically yielded a spoiler's role at best, not outright triumph.
While Mr. Lamm showed up to give a brief speech about his belief in third-party politics, he said he has not decided whether to back Mr. Perot.
And she said she sees Mr. Lamm as a newcomer to third-party politics.
The author shows how third-party politics, a force in recent national elections, may be a descendant of the campaign of the disaffected begun by George Wallace in the 1960's.
Nader's intention is not to advance third-party politics, any more than it is to push campaign-finance reform or to stop global warming.