He was expressing the highest possible expectation for a railroad whose thorny relationship with riders is legendary.
As a company self-consciously focused on creating media content, Disney has long had a thorny relationship with distribution companies like cable operators.
It quickly becomes clear that Conor, struggling to escape "a life of half-emergence," is really seeking an understanding of the loss at the center of this thorny relationship.
He describes the sometimes thorny relationship between fathers and sons, like that of the golfing legend Claude Harmon and his son, Butch.
AMONG the mysteries Albert Einstein was not able to explain to his or anyone's satisfaction was the thorny relationship between science and religion.
The interviews and some pretty travel scenery are really only the glue holding together the story of Chris and Richard's thorny relationship while traveling.
He may be the greatest cricketer Bangladesh have ever produced, but he's endured quite a thorny relationship with the public of late.
Debate over the bill, with its echoes of the West's old and thorny relationship with mining, has created some strange bedfellows.
Afghanistan did win a promise of money from its neighbor, Pakistan, with whom it has had a thorny relationship, not least because Islamabad supported Taliban rule.
The debates were not confined to nature; the meeting itself had formed a kind of skirmish line in the thorny relationship between scientists and religion.