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I think about those magazine ads that picture innocent children in threadbare clothes whose lives can be changed for just pennies a month.
You can't have a couple of dozen people in threadbare clothes sleeping right out there where rich people can see them.
They're all dressed in expensive but threadbare clothes.
The upper-class restaurant looks at Soapy's threadbare clothes and refuses to serve him.
Their threadbare, shabby clothes were nearly the same color as the mud they labored in.
The men wore threadbare clothes and shoes beyond repair.
A young man in threadbare clothes, rifling through garbage cans, looked up.
People cast aside thin blankets, pulled on threadbare clothes.
She could almost see herself through their eyes: rumpled, dirty, threadbare clothes, boots worn thin, no weapons at all.
His threadbare clothes were soiled with what looked like a decade's worth of stains.