Giotto was the first artist to depict three-dimensional figures in western European art.
The second artwork, Ikon, is a large light box, in which several three-dimensional figures seem to float.
The main cause of such turn was the need of three-dimensional figures as an addition to Palii's paintings in a current project.
Manx called a stylized three-dimensional figure onto the display screen.
Each floating, three-dimensional, thumb-sized figure has its own look, sounds and songs.
Rotation through a fourth dimension can't affect a three-dimensional figure any more than you can shake letters off a printed page.
"The three-dimensional figures are carefully drawn to evoke the maximum sense of life," he said.
A three-dimensional figure at which (for objects of dimension greater than four) higher-dimension figures meet.
"The silhouette of a three-dimensional figure would look like this."
But he watched the realistic three-dimensional figures capering around the stage as though from a million miles away.