Baggio made it 2-0 after a superb solo run through three defenders in the 77th minute.
The goal came off a pass that Matthew Barnaby threaded through two defenders.
When he saw his son go through three defenders in a seventh-grade game, he bought a video camera the next day.
He was able to cut through two defenders and run 30 metres before getting a ball away to Darren Lockyer who scored.
Hart's 20-yard run, in which he plowed through three defenders for the final yards, brought the ball to the 1.
Neil had to throw the ball through three defenders.
He raced down the court, knifed through three defenders and scored.
The 5-foot-7-inch running back squirmed through two defenders and turned the play into an 11-yard gain.
It came four minutes after intermission after he dribbled through two defenders.
He fought to the baseline to receive a pass and curled backward through two defenders for a reverse lay-up.