But even there, Mr. Bruckheimer's style permeates, in the shows' tight editing and dazzling special effects.
The changes inside include more graphics, tighter editing and new logotypes for each of the regular features.
This is a subject worthy of the most serious treatment, but that should not preclude crisp pacing and tight editing.
The Coens reduced the running time with tighter editing, shortening some shots and removing others altogether.
Unfortunately, many details are repetitive; tighter editing would have helped.
It's all very knowing and tight editing and a fine lighting score ensure that the neo-Dadaist fun never flags.
The film was lauded by critics for its inventive direction, tight editing, urban humour and its large number of pop culture references.
The film sprawls, gets lost and occasionally delivers visual poetry, the kind that could have been greatly helped by tighter editing.
Give me graphics, music, tight editing, maybe a TV star, and I could tell them.
The film moves slowly and could have used tighter editing.