Few complete bodies were subjected to this treatment as it was a time-consuming and expensive exercise.
Is anything accomplished by this time-consuming exercise in futility?
Laying people off in Europe can be a time-consuming and costly exercise.
Many businesses have the perception that reducing packaging waste on construction sites is a time-consuming and costly exercise.
It was a time-consuming exercise.
To scale the garden's walls one needs to enter a Web site address, a trying and time-consuming exercise on the tiny number pad.
In Algiers, living conditions have deteriorated to such an extent that finding food, shelter and services is a time-consuming and demoralizing exercise.
Iraq's limited cooperation is only the first illustration of just how difficult, time-consuming and costly the ground-breaking exercise will be.
This saves the club from the time-consuming exercise of reading out every number on the ticket.
Recruiting a specialist practitioner is often a less time-consuming and more successful exercise than starting from scratch with your existing staff.