Her features were too irregular - large brown eyes, a small tip-tilted nose and a wide mouth which broke into an odd lop-sided smile when she was happy.
She glanced up, which gave him a chance to dwell on luminous eyes, tip-tilted nose, lips always parted as if in a child's eagerness.
Hopper wrote that the "scattering of freckles across her tip-tilted nose give her an Occidental flavor".
I looked at her insouciant body carefully - her wide, freckled face, tip-tilted nose and delicate lips, though she had bitten nails, and muscular legs.
Someone is holding up a lanthorn and Pythagoras' tip-tilted nose shines with a ruddy glow.
The deep brown eyes were out of proportion to her small, tip-tilted nose and far too dark in her pale, nearly white face.
Chapter Two The ruddy firelight showed Emmet enormous eyes, a tip-tilted nose, and a mouth made for kissing.
He glanced at her; she was looking straight ahead; her profile looked disapproving, her tip-tilted nose in the air, her chin lifted.
Dinny wrinkled her rather tip-tilted nose.
As Margo flounced out, Candy drew a breath up her pert, tip-tilted nose and turned to the interested woman puffing behind her.