All of these things should have been properly filed and catalogued before but it was a tiresome task, labor for a clerk, and he had put it off from year to year.
Now battle was merely another tiresome task that faced him all too often.
It is the tiresome but essential task of window-dressing.
Debugging ranges, in complexity, from fixing simple errors to performing lengthy and tiresome tasks of data collection, analysis, and scheduling updates.
It was a discouraging, tiresome task.
A cup of tea self-rewarded at the end of a tiresome task.
So the men went through the tiresome task of building breastworks and digging ditches.
For most people, paying utility bills is a tiresome and frustrating task.
She enjoys forcing him to do tedious or tiresome tasks, thanks to her loud and shrill voice sounds similar as the Horrid Henry character Moody Margaret.
The School Magazine ceased to be published because of the shortage of paper and the staff were initiated into the tiresome task of fire watching.