A visionary and an activist, larger than life and touchingly human, Mr. Youngblood is at the center of this generous book and of the community that he has inspired.
There is a touchingly human softness and vulnerability here, the parchment-like skin of the figure giving off a tender, warming glow.
Particularly engaging is the touchingly human carved wooden likeness of an official named Metjetji (circa 2371-2288 B.C.).
The Mahler that emerges from these authentic, unabridged sources is warm, genuine and touchingly human.
Moreover, Donald McIntyre was a touchingly human Sachs.
During Columbus's sea voyage, with his visions of monsters and his recollections of Queen Isabella, there was something touchingly human in his condition.
Mr. Plummer's inspector is touchingly human and intuitive.
Then, as we learn more about the Catchprices, we discover they have a touchingly human dimension.
Hometown fans everywhere, with touchingly human refusal to face heartbreaking fact, adapt blithely to the reality that the home team is a fiction by simply refusing to believe it.
By investing Neanderthals with artifacts and an apparent interest in protecting their dead, this discovery did much to make Neanderthals seem more touchingly human.