By comparison, the bridge had an average annual daily traffic figure of 12,340 vehicles in 2011.
The agency will know more within a few weeks, when its traffic figures for the early fall come out.
After 1995 the civilian traffic figures started rising again, and finally in 2007 surpassed the 1987 record.
Dividends gradually increased, and by the 1870s, traffic figures were more than double those of the 1830s.
But if that traffic figure is stalled in the mid-six-figures, "then I would think that we've missed the mark," he said.
No traffic figures are available, but it was successful, as dividends of 16 per cent were paid on the shares.
There is no way to quantify the scale of the news but traffic figures do give some interesting insight.
Overall, 2012 traffic figures for the airport indicate a 7.3% increase, year-on-year.
The main website has sections still under construction but also has similar traffic figures.
AOL hopes large traffic figures will draw the attention of online advertisers.