However, a wily trickster figure, the Fur Queen, watches over the boys as they fulfill their destiny to become artists.
A few stories highlighted black trickster figures who managed to get the better of their masters.
Singh is a vital trickster figure, like the crow in the tale.
No two stories in this book are alike, though some characters - like the marvelous trickster figure, Shapeshifter - appear several times.
This notion of imitation is closely tied to that of the trickster figure.
The trickster figure of Flip is an interestingly ambiguous bad guy.
Think of the Mario brothers as trickster figures.
Another example is the rather mysterious figure of Nasreddin, a trickster figure who often plays jokes, of a sort, on his neighbors.
An analysis of a trickster figure in Tonga Narrative System.
Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers or trickster figures.