With a lunge, the turbaned man sprang for The Shadow.
They went to the entrance of the apartment and found the turbaned man awaiting them.
Corporal Riehl returned with a turbaned man with a camera on his shoulder.
The turbaned man shrugged slightly, sipped his tea and gave up.
There we met a turbaned man and his son, who was filming with his movie camera.
When he entered the 7-Eleven, the turbaned man working the counter regarded him with unconcealed fright.
Once there, he learns that the turbaned men are slaves to the terrifying moon-beasts.
Are the links between the turbaned man, the woman in the gown and the California teenagers confusing?
Leaving Vantagio, the huge turbaned man went promptly over to a little group by the door and whispered to them.
A turbaned man sitting in the dust against the car, nodding off or perhaps praying, has reddish legs and shirt.