Despite the high turnout figures, the voters were not particularly excited with their choice this year.
To the extent that electors did not cast both their possible votes the turnout figure will be an underestimate.
After 1832, when registration of voters was introduced, a turnout figure is given for contested elections.
Accurate turnout figures were also not yet available.
The official turnout figures at around 54% were higher than in any previous presidential referendum.
Preliminary turnout figures showed that about 80 percent of active registered voters went to the polls, up 2 percentage points from 2000.
However local government elections have much lower turnout figures, with an average of 53% in 2007.
The official turnout figures for the first and second round were 52% and 67% respectively.
Instead of the usual primary eve chatter about the latest poll numbers, there was far greater interest in possible turnout figures.
To the extent that voters did not use both their votes the turnout figure will be an underestimate.