The twentieth century saw a rapid twentyfold increase in the use of fossil fuels.
But federal health officials called the $1 billion a giant leap forward, saying it was roughly a twentyfold increase in what states had received in previous years.
As a nation, we should be very afraid if Pakistan can come up with a twentyfold increase in the amount of nuclear weapons materials that it can manufacture.
Taking dark matter into account results in an approximately twentyfold increase in mass for the galaxy.
That would be a twentyfold increase over the projected budget for fibroid research for this year.
But the day after the episode was broadcast, Mr. Allard said, the company had a "twentyfold" increase in calls asking about its services.
The city is now paying out $500 million a year in damage awards, a twentyfold increase in 20 years.
The technology involves encoding each cellular phone's signal with a different code, and could allow a twentyfold increase in the capacity of cellular networks.
Medical research expanded rapidly during Dr. Nesson's 15-year presidency, which saw a nearly twentyfold increase in Federal financing, to $180 million.
Houses that sold for approximately $20,000 new in the early 1960s are worth more than $400,000 by 2007, a twentyfold increase in price.