Foster, his voice hoarse from screaming at two-dimensional figures on television screens, watched at home.
Images of two-dimensional figures, animals and birds flooded into her head.
This is a two-dimensional figure, length and breadth.
Unfortunately, the relationship between these two lovers is unconvincing; the student is an ineffectual, two-dimensional figure.
Or are they two-dimensional figures, who have no life of their own outside of Jane's perceptions of them?
Tin soldiers were originally almost two-dimensional figures, often called "little Eilerts" or "flats".
He is such a wooden, two-dimensional figure that it's hard to believe that she can take him seriously.
A two-dimensional figure at which (for objects of dimension greater than three) higher-dimension figures meet.
Such environments will fall under Synchronous-Remote collaboration in the two-dimensional figure of space-time.
The illusion is made of a two-dimensional figure.