These include certain state-sponsored mortgages offered with uncommonly low down payments or at discounted interest rates to moderate-income buyers.
I mention these incidents merely to show That the vengeance he took was uncommonly low.
At a private buffet in Houston after his first news conference as President-elect, an aide recalled that Mr. Bush seemed nervous and subdued, his voice uncommonly low.
The Super Jolly has front-wheel drive with independent suspension, meaning that the loading area is uncommonly low.
Beekman, 500 Lexington Avenue (47th Street), charges an uncommonly low $20.
Rainfall has been uncommonly low since the storm, allowing the Corps of Engineers to drain floodwaters faster than it expected.
Gasoline prices spiked after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, straining oil markets already tight because of the uncommonly low levels of spare capacity.
The night also had an uncommonly low number of city hall races, and none of those were really close.
Unusual snowfalls and uncommonly low temperatures, as predicted in 2009 by the Potsdam Institute, arise from the melting of the Arctic ice cap.
Insufficient analysis, he said, got him into trouble in understanding the uncommonly low American savings rate.