Chauvelin's pale eyes were fixed upon the darkness, through which he could vaguely discern the uncouth figure of the proconsul, sprawling over his desk.
At length we were placed before the heroine of the day, whose appearance, as well as those of the savage, uncouth, yet martial figures who surrounded us, struck me, to own the truth, with considerable apprehension.
He gazed on Rateau for a moment or two, his eyes travelling over the uncouth, semi-conscious figure of the coalheaver with a searching, undefinable glance.
In Little Dorrit's eyes and ears, the uncouth figure and the uncouth sound were as pleasant as could be.
He himself was doubtless an uncouth figure in her eyes; she could have no knowledge either about evil or about the normal appearance of terrestrial man to guide her.
They started up at the noise, but were often times more confounded when they saw me, and the uncouth figure that I made.
He was a tall fellow in navvy's clothes, with a shock head of black hair, and a week's beard--an uncouth figure with a truculent eye.
He leaned over the partially demolished rail watching the tossing small boat with its lonely occupant, a strange, uncouth figure in rags.
When he reached the crest I saw the ragged uncouth figure outlined for an instant against the cold blue sky.
An uncouth black figure of a man, a figure of no particular import, hung over the taffrail against the starlight, and I found Montgomery was speaking to me.