The account of John Rudyard as a poverty-stricken Cornish youth is a fiction, which has been uncritically repeated in many reference books.
The possibility of disease transmission is real, but we have not yet been found guilty and the story uncritically repeated by Mr. Mowat cannot serve as ammunition against tourism and research.
Decades later, historian Donald Proctor argued that Adams had uncritically repeated the negative views of Hancock's political opponents without doing any serious research.
I think another problem here which irks me no end is the practice of churnalism, which means bad science stories which were odious in the first place get uncritically repeated.
This is the first time it has been repeated uncritically in a major United States publication.
Though Busby's "findings" had not been subject to peer-review, they were repeated uncritically in the Welsh media, spreading fear and distress among local people.
The brawl was Runciman's own invention, but it has been uncritically repeated by many subsequent books.
His untruthful allegations towards Alexander, portraying him as boorishly uncivil and aggressive, have been repeated uncritically in historical accounts.
The connection thus begun has been uncritically repeated to the modern day: but see Valentine's Day and Saint Valentine.
This story is repeated uncritically in some later histories, and subsequently "Malgo the Briton" is mentioned in Thomas Stephens' notes on an 1888 publication of Y Gododdin, with the stated suggestion that Maelgwn was an ally of "Aeddan" against the Pictish king Bridei.