Sebastian led them through an unguarded, unmarked door into what looked like a Victorian bordello.
It sought to find his dreams and slip in the unguarded back door of his mind.
Taking Joanna's arm, he led her through the unguarded back door and out into the moonlight of the yard.
Warin and his men drew back suspiciously, some of them eyeing the now unguarded door.
When Alboin retired for his midday rest on June 28, care was taken to leave the door open and unguarded.
No one saw as this silent pack of blood-mad wolves followed its leader through a small, unguarded door in the castle's rear.
They had smashed open an unguarded door at the head of the stairway, in time to begin firing upon Mocquino and his clustered men.
You will do this with all inner doors open and unguarded, with nothing at all left behind your Wall.
His back found a door, one unguarded by the monks.
Presently he found himself in front of the unguarded double doors.