Despite everything, a king can be a source of stability, giving people a unifying figure who is above politics.
Instead, he said, he sees himself as a unifying figure who can garner support for the transition to democratic rule.
"The institution blockage he created and the crisis he put the country through don't make him a unifying figure."
The King has traditionally been a unifying and influential, if powerless, figure in Cambodia.
His victory in the 5,000 metres came at the height of civil war and made him a unifying figure for Birundians.
But there are few unifying figures with the power to make such gestures.
He is supposed to be a unifying figure, so he can choose a government that will be effective.
In short, the Republican who could give the party the unifying figure it has lacked since the Reagan days.
Union leaders embraced her at the time as a popular, unifying figure who could move the union forward after a three-year trusteeship.
Attlee was able to come across as a competent and unifying figure, particularly having already led the party through a general election.