There are several different kinds of unintentional humor that arise out of various situations.
It is possible for unintentional humor to arise when two different well-meaning people contribute independent pieces of information, but in combination, they contradict each other.
The book's unintentional humour is a little stronger.
As the publisher intended, it seems to have succeeded as unintentional humour.
It's not easy for a film to be a midnight perennial, because part of camp appeal is unintentional humor.
Many are mistakes of translation from foreign languages or other unintentional humor.
Their actions have no inner logic and few repercussions, but some unintentional humor.
The essays concern religion to a considerable extent, but the book is largely known for its somewhat unintentional humor.
Ah, but it is the unintentional humor we return to for our heartiest laughs!