As things turn out in Mr. Thomas's telling, Oswald did not end up firing the deadly shots that struck the motorcade; another unknown conspirator did.
"Dead men do not tell tales," he added, pointing out that the unknown conspirators mentioned in the indictment have never been found.
He seeks not only Lord de Winter, but the other four unknown conspirators who took part in his mother's clandestine "trial" and execution.
The King family sued Mr. Jowers and other "unknown conspirators."
In the episode "Borderland", an unknown conspirator manipulates events so that Abby ends up investigating the murder as a cold case and finds irrefutable proof that Gibbs is responsible.
It wasn't as if their lives were in jeopardy, or that they'd be assailed by unknown conspirators if let loose on the sidewalks.
The unknown conspirators mentioned in the grand jury indictment got only the barest mention during the trial from either the prosecution or the defense, he pointed out.
Salvation came at the end of 1944 with the help of unknown conspirators who arranged for his transfer to a prison in Verona.
Gradually his suspicion had grown that Perry Rhodan was using him as a decoy to seize the unknown conspirators.