The card requires no application or other paperwork, unlike most other plans.
Unlike earlier plans, there are no sidings for general freight, nor any passenger platforms.
It does not, unlike most private-sector medical plans, limit out-of-pocket costs.
Unlike existing plans, the new program requires students to pay full interest charges but offers more flexible repayment terms.
But unlike past plans, this one does not involve trying to evict the basin's 160 or so year-round residents.
Unlike previous Brazilian anti-inflation plans, the current one does not include price controls.
Unlike previous plans for putting perestroika into effect, he contends, this one is internally consistent and offers a real chance of increasing productivity.
Unlike initial plans of a theatrical release, the film had a limited preview release on December 12, 2009, and was returned to post production.
But unlike other plans, the Roth does not require account holders to begin distributions by age 70 1/2.