Unofficial figures put the number of dead and wounded in the fighting at over 300.
Unofficial figures set the death toll at 2000, most of them Muslims.
In Gaza, unofficial figures showed well over 80 percent participation.
Unofficial figures today showed a surprisingly high turnout of 62 percent.
The official number of drug addicts in Iran is almost two million, although unofficial figures are much higher, particularly among the young.
Unofficial figures confirms the collection of 70 lakhs on second day.
These are unofficial figures, although baseball does not produce a universally accepted average salary.
If newspaper front pages and unofficial figures are any guide, the country has been struck by an epidemic of violence against women.
The official death toll was 1,200 but unofficial figures reliably estimated it to be around 4-5,000.
At least 250 people have been killed since Dec. 6, according to unofficial figures compiled from newspaper reports and other sources.