As orgies often do, Studio 54's had a sour ending: a 1979 raid by Federal agents, the discovery of $600,000 in unreported cash, and 13 months in jail for each partner.
Several said they assumed he would be rejected because of his intriguing past, which included 13 months in jail following a 1979 raid on Studio 54 by Federal agents, who found $600,000 in unreported cash there.
But at Studio 54, the party ended in late 1979, 11 months after a raid by Federal agents uncovered $600,000 in unreported cash.
Although prosecutions are rare, lawyers concede that unreported cash does change hands.
The report by the attorney general, issued in May, found that Mr. Weizman had acted improperly when he accepted more than $300,000 in unreported cash from two executives from 1985 to 1993.
The official report lists the theft of only $8,700 in cash however authorities estimated the gang may have gotten away with unreported cash and jewelry valued as high as $50,000.
There is unreported cash over there [at campaign headquarters] that they'll expend at our direction.
More likely he was an I.R.S. agent in disguise, looking to see if we had unreported cash concealed behind the parlor TV set.
A federal inquiry has focused on allegations that the senator took tens of thousands of dollars in unreported cash and gifts from Mr. Chang.
It's common knowledge that much of the gap is due to unreported cash and overstated deductions from self-employed people, family businesses and family farms.