This side of the ground along with the Riverside Terrace formed one large standing area for home fans, with movement unrestricted between the two.
She only knew that unrestricted movement was impossible.
The Greeks violated the group's guidelines for unrestricted movement, said a group official.
To promote economic freedom, they demand the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.
It is a world that can enchant through the choreographers' flights of fantasy, the unrestricted movements of the dancers.
But tonight I did not want to get mired in traffic, not after my weekend of unrestricted movement.
At the same time, the material stretches thus allowing for free, unrestricted movements required for dance.
They are made from smooth cotton which may be brushed or ribbed for unrestricted movement and added comfort.
In my view a dual legal basis would combine both objectives: the protection of the environment and the free and unrestricted movement of goods.
Competitive swimming wetsuits are made of the most expanded foam; they have to be very flexible to allow the swimmer unrestricted movement.