An untrained dog is a nuisance - nobody likes him.
She, her husband, two unruly teenage children and untrained dog move into a large house with plans to start their lives again.
Most of these accidents occur in urban areas, but in the countryside untrained dogs can be equally dangerous.
Cameras that are not even regularly monitored or an untrained dog inspecting cars might still deter a terrorist.
He has a contract to sell four to six untrained dogs to the Customs Service for $3,000 each.
The young, untrained dog must have chased them up to the edge of the pit, where they fell to their death.
His expression seemed to say, "What on earth are you doing, you untrained dog?"
Deng considered him little better than an untrained dog.
It was a bit like being handed a large untrained dog to care for.
Like many breeds, untrained and unconfined young dogs often create their own fun when left alone, such as chewing house quarters and furniture.