An untrained individual can actually damage a dent if attempting a repair without the correct skills and knowledge.
But what about the other stuff, about this being a band of untrained individuals and all that?
This is especially true when comparing well-trained runners to untrained or lesser-trained individuals.
Well-trained runners are often found to be significantly more economical than untrained individuals.
"The last thing that someone in my position wants is for a gun to be in the hands of an untrained individual," Chief Delaney said.
Convincing twelve untrained individuals that the boy wasn't responsible for his behaviour will be no mean feat.
Whether trained or untrained individuals have the capacity to project their inner conflicts into visual form.
Virtually all recorded incidents of serious injury by fire breathing involve untrained individuals, often while under the influence of alcohol.
Keep away from incompatible materials, ignition sources and untrained individuals.
Within just a few days, an untrained individual can achieve measurable strength gains resulting from "learning" to use the muscle.