"Doctor, the sieura is an untrained talent; you can draw on her for support."
During his convalescence, he began to read various manuscripts of musical theory and began to develop his untrained, native talents in this art.
What I saw was a young, raw, untrained talent.
Whilst in Cuba Mulloy's story developed as she searched for young untrained talent to take the lead roles.
He had no real experience in dealing with untrained talents, and no real time to help her.
Parks's untrained talent was quickly recognized and encouraged.
Unfortunately, Curtis showed no clear ylvin traits, aside from his untrained talent and minimal body hair.
Without him or someone very nearly as good, she would never know how to turn her untrained acting talent into a marketable commodity.
But Pol is still an untrained talent, a "madwand."
They have untrained and latent talents that would prove, if exercised, greater than anything that Fishhook ever has attained.