He'd have used sleight of hand to drop credits into his pockets.
And it is using accounting sleight of hand to spread this year's budget into next year's.
The practitioner isn't using sleight of hand, wires or digital special effects to float the tiny boat.
Alternatively, the performer can produce an item hidden in their sleeve using sleight of hand and misdirection.
The Germans manage with a strong currency due to simply managing wage costs rather than using sleight of hand.
Several times against the Heat, he found passing lanes when none seemed to be there, like he was using sleight of hand.
However, using sleight of hand, the experimenter had slipped them the other photograph rather than the one they had chosen.
Using sleight of hand, the operator reveals the pea to be under a shell different from that chosen by the mark.
"And I don't have to use sleight of hand."
Using elaborate sleight of hand, practitioners of this folk art change masks as if by magic.