Horrified, Cinna stood watching his world disintegrate, utterly powerless to intervene.
And a woman, calling out to him on her way to a fate even worse than death, and he'd been utterly powerless to help her.
Caught in this anguished vacuum she was utterly powerless.
Naomi was utterly powerless to check or guide the terrified creature that carried her swiftly in the wake of its fellows.
He felt utterly powerless, swept along by the flood of events, waiting for the inevitable.
I felt a thousand years old and utterly powerless.
When he appeared to be utterly powerless, he was radiating the greatest power ever unleashed in the world.
She sounded like a furious, red-faced, and utterly powerless child.
All hara seemed to have left her; she could not ground herself and without that centering she was utterly powerless.
He had never felt more alone, more disoriented, or more utterly powerless in his entire life.