The coloration is distinctive, consisting of a dense variegated pattern of dark markings ranging from tiny to larger than the eye, on a brownish background.
Juvenile leaves are bright green, often with irregularly variegated patterns of yellow or white.
The plant's leaves are large and green, and often with variegated white patterns.
The leaves truly have three colors in a delightful variegated pattern of green, white and a hint of pink.
In the juvenile, the mantle (279 mm) has a variegated pattern.
The field may be divided or may consist of a variegated pattern.
Variegated - The variegated pattern is when any standard coat color is broken up by small white patches along with a collar and blaze.
Typically, it is a green snake with a black variegated pattern, and a black temporal line is usually present.
Upon maturing to yellow, the variegated pattern recedes in the fruit rind.
Its wings were decorated with a variegated pattern without symmetry or any other design principle that Nicole could discern.