J. J. Horgan described him in 1905 as "a venerable figure with a wide-brimmed hat and picturesque appearance reminiscent of Buffalo Bill".
Kramer concluded that "Ziusudra had become a venerable figure in literary tradition by the middle of the third millennium B.C."
He added that nothing is more unjust than this outrage against such a venerable figure.
Hanoi's most famous sketch artist, a venerable figure still going strong in his 80s, operates at 24 Hang Duong Street.
At that moment a venerable figure strode with dignity into the bar.
The venerable figure shook his head and replied: "Thou shouldst know that for seeking a religious life no time can be inopportune."
The Byzantine Empire considered Constantine its founder and the Holy Roman Empire reckoned him among the venerable figures of its tradition.
He was now a venerable figure with a white beard.
It was light, agile music, fresher than you might expect from a band led by a truly venerable figure in jazz.
"Master Bertrand, by your leave-" The master-mason was a venerable figure, bearded like a patriarch and aware of his massive dignity.