He was created by injecting a lobster with the DNA of villainous figures like Genghis Khan and Captain Thomas Blood, becoming an anthropomorphic lobster that salivates constantly.
He did not distinguish between villainous charismatic figures and virtuous ones because such distinctions, he felt, would muddy sociological comparisons.
With the eventual villainous figure being revealed as Raghavan.
It portrays Jinnah (played by Alyque Padamsee) as a scowling, villainous figure, who seems to act out of jealousy of the title character.
(One bright change over the years is that villainous figures in works for children no longer tend to be swarthy.)
While the character spent most of his published existence as a villainous figure, over time Ronan has slowly become more noble and heroic.
A villainous figure known as "Mr. X" announces he has reprogrammed the eight powerful contestants with intent to use them for taking over the world.
In the folklore of Shia Islam, Shemr is a villainous figure associated with the death of the prophet Muhammad's grandson Hussein ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala.
Some are a bit obvious, like the villainous figure of the vice president (Kenneth Welsh), who shrugs off environmental concerns and who is clearly smarter and more powerful than the callow, out-of-it commander in chief.
These villainous figures resemble zombies, but not like Russo and Romero's portrayal in their 1990 film "Night of the Living Dead" where a mindless force compels corpses to feed like mindless puppets.