The ninja used their art to ensure their survival in a time of violent political turmoil.
That has created deep social and cultural upheavals along with Albania's violent political turmoil.
It contained Mr. Bell's argument that the optimistic systems of belief that called for the remaking of society became exhausted in the violent turmoil of this century.
The Cure's style was "withdrawn", contrasting with their contemporaries like Nick Cave's first band The Birthday Party, who drew on blues and spastic, violent turmoil.
Given what has happened in the Balkans and in the Caucasus states, it is naive not to expect redefining, even violent, turmoil in the Arab world.
A bomb tore through the centre of the Syrian capital Damascus, killing as many as 26 people and plunging the country deeper into violent turmoil.
The passage of the law ignited the most violent turmoil here since November.
These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, including executions and repression during the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power.
Harmston predicts that a period of violent, apocalyptic turmoil will start within five years.
Until the early 1970's, when Idi Amin threw the country into violent turmoil, the medical department turned out doctors who practiced around the world.