Glancing downward, The Shadow's eyes swept the surface of the weedy grass that covered the hollow where the test had taken place.
Usually the first to appear are the blades of weedy grasses that have spent the long winter months underground.
They were melting away into the weedy grass.
The ponds are invaded by weedy grasses and shrubs during the early part of the rainy season, from April until July.
Forest may eventually regenerate on the abandoned plot, or weedy grasses may dominate.
Few trees grew here, mostly just low bushes, weedy grasses, and scrabbles of reindeer lichen.
Thick, weedy grass and flowers covered much of the land of the campus.
Some scientists have expressed concern that if the gene escapes, weedy grasses could be harder to control with glyphosate, a widely used herbicide.
The desert of Kuwait is covered with patches of coarse, weedy grass and small bushes.
They initiated or encouraged changes that turned weedy grasses into crop plants like rice and corn.