In the dim illumination of the streetlights, they could see kids' bikes dumped unceremoniously on the weedy lawns.
Need.... He dropped to his knees on the weedy lawn.
I scrambled to my feet and thanked him, and then Joe was summoned to lead me away across the weedy lawn.
They walked across the high weedy lawn, and Marcy found the key.
Parker walked around the side of the house and down the slope of weedy lawn at the back to the water's edge, and looked out across the lake.
It shows Barbara as a dejected lump, head bent over as she sits on a weedy lawn in back of a house.
He stood and leaned on the window ledge, looking out onto a chunk of weedy lawn, a strip of sand, and the sea.
Trash littered the weedy lawn.
Over the years, the building has become the New York equivalent of the spooky suburban home with the chipped paint and weedy lawn.
The chairs were stored in a corner, so he sat on the railing, looking down the weedy lawn to the lake.